Holly McB of Tresmorn

My first dog as a adult was a rescue Cocker Spaniel, and I had always wanted another Cocker.  After Peanut died, a post from Cocker Spaniel Resources  was pleading for a foster for Holly McB.  She was at a shelter in Steven’s Point Wisconsin.  I fostered her, and she put up a huge fuss here with the wolfhounds at first.  Then she learned they wouldn’t hurt her, so she has ruled the roost here since.  She doesn’t have either of her eyes (they were removed at the shelter due to neglected glaucoma), and she has never had issues getting around.  She really enjoys walks but must stayed leashed, and sometimes it is too hard for her to go in the winter with all the snow.

Holly McB’s body started to fail her after her 15th birthday in the summer of 2024.  First her kidneys started to go and then she developed sick sinus syndrome where her heart would just pause for great lengths of time.  Holly McB soldiered on and welcomed the C litter to Tresmorn.  They loved their Cocker auntie.  In December of 2024, she started to waste away, get very picky with meals, and to sleep most of the time.  She rallied a bit but then refused to eat again in January of 2025…and I refused to let her suffer anymore.  Her spirit and sass is greatly missed.